To create reoccuring Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Sessions (for example the duration of a term) do the following:

  1. Select the course from the left navigation in Aeorion, then select the learning units tab from the course view.
  2. Select the learning unit the sessions will be a part of. If you want to create a new Unit, select "Create new unit".
  3. In the Learning Unit, select "Add Activity".
  4. From the list select "Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Live Session". Then set the title and description for this activity.
  5. Select the activity. This should redirect a new page. Select "Create Session".
  6. Enter in information about the Session such as the Session name. 
  7. Enter the start and end time for each session; the date should be of the first session.
  8. Select "Repeat Session", then chose when the repeats should be done. You can also End After Occurrence or End on a specific date.
  9. Click "Create" when you're finished.
  10. Finally public the Learning Unit if it is not published already.